The Hollywood Garage informally began back in 2006 in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. It began as a simple passion for cars, and a hunger for knowledge. As time went on, it has grown into something much greater than that. The Hollywood Garage team appreciates all cars, from classics to modern day performance vehicles, and we have taken the time to assemble a team to truly learn the ins and outs of of the automobile industry.
Our passion has grown into something much more than just something to pass the time. Hollywood Garage has evolved into a family that is growing larger each day with every new person that walks through the doors or visits our site.
We are determined to give you a trusted home for the needs of your vehicles, and of course a place to get some quality threads.
Whether you depart from Hollywood Garage with an oil change or a t-shirt, we are so thankful you chose to become part of the family.